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3.15 MB

Η εφαρμογή της ΑΧΑ, "Ασφαλής Οδήγηση", σας συνοδεύει στο δρόμο σε κάθε σας εξόρμηση, είτε πρόκειται για βραδινή έξοδο, είτε πρόκειται για ταξίδι. Οι β

6.57 MB
AXA4me 4.0.12

AXA4me: the smartphone application for customers AXA Insurance. The customer of AXA Insurance you can use the application "AXA4me" to report to the c

2.69 MB
AXA Services 1.4.4

Application dédiée aux sinistres et à l'assistance, AXA Services est un véritable atout pour les clients AXA. Sa fonction d'appel sophistiqué vous met

12.2 MB

주요 기능 1. 화면 터치 시 화면 전송/중지 2. 전면/후면 카메라 전환 3. 플래쉬 켜기/ 끄기 4. 그림을 그리는 기능 5. 사진모드로 전환

6.94 MB
Daily Yoga 1.0.2

18.27 MB
URoad LFM300 1.3.0

T포켓파이M 본 앱은 SK텔레콤 T Pocket-Fi M (URoad-LFM300) 전용 앱입니다 처음 실행하신 경우 설정 탭에서 Password를 변경하세요 초기 Password는 배터리 커버 내 KEY 값 입니다 홈 화면에 위젯을 추가해 실시간 사용량을 확인하세요

2.73 MB

The Tipton Tips app provides the ability to submit anonymous tips to law enforcement in Tipton County, TN. Key Features Include: -Anonymous 2 way inte

1.41 MB
Bubble Level 1.0.6

Bubble Level a perfect app for every DIY handyman. A spirit level and angle measurement, accurate and easy to use, at the same time very functional. S

4.68 MB

It is a simple incline meter (clinometer). I measure an incline and display it like the signboard which there is a sharp slope in. [characteristic] ・T

2 MB

Inclinometer is a lateral and longitudinal inclination (roll and pitch) indicator as well as a compass (full version only). It is very accurate and al

169.11 KB

XY Clinometer is a simple clinometer / inclinometer/ digital level electronic angle gauge / bubble level / level gauge app. It shows the inclination o

2.25 MB

SW Destiny: Deck Builder is an unofficial app designed to provide information for Star wars Destiny Players. It allows the creation of decks, a place

2.11 MB

This app measures collects, displays, and can record data using an accelerometer, gyroscope, and barometer. It consecutively collects data on G-force

1.52 MB
King Royale 2.3.4

Download King Royale Now! - You can share with users from all over the world, find clans and discover Decks and now you can see the cycle of your ches

18.29 MB
CPU-ID 1.0

Reports information about your device. - CPU: processor, architecture, core, etc. ) - DEVICE: model, brand, board, screen resolution, ram, network typ

972.92 KB

CPU-INFO is an application that show information about your phone, like CPU, system, device, battery, and sensors. INFORMATION: * CPU (processor, arch

1.74 MB

A.S.D All Seeing Droid! Every available sensor of your device at your disposal on screen. Graphical view of G-Force, orientation and inclination for a

2.69 MB

An indispensable tool to manage and monitor tasks sent by the operations center of AXA Assistance Italy. The app ATM Axa Assistance is free and simple

1.71 MB

Simple inclinometer only degree number and zero button.

260.68 KB