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- Display the device sensor measured illuminance by big character. - Illuminance will display using also graph in addition to the numeric value. - Dis

1.96 MB

The application is used to measure magnetic fields with accuracy up to 1 nT using the magnetic sensor of the mobile device. The high precision of the

274.02 KB
LUX Meter 1.2.1

Very accurate and effective tool to measure Light intensity by using system device Light Sensors. Very handy tool for measuring Light illuminance valu

4.47 MB

This app displays a digital reading or a graph of Illuminance (lux) vs. Time (s) that can be exported to Google Drive or in an e-mail as a .csv file (

1.98 MB

This accelerometer sensor app measures and displays multiple forms of kinematics (motion) data, including the g-Force Meter, Linear Accelerometer, Gyr

2.14 MB
LightMeter 2.04

A simple light level meter that gives a very accurate (depending on the quality of your device and the sensors in it) and helpful visual aid. Common L

6.18 MB
Magnetometer 1.1.0

Magnetometer is a simple application that can detect and dynamically display nearby magnetic fields! Has the capability to estimate a local magnetic f

139.23 KB

Electrical, gathers together all of the electrical calculations is a very useful application. Electrical applications by installing only the ruler, Il

9.81 MB
LuxMeter 1.01

LuxMeter. Application for measuring the level of illumination in lux with your device. To work correctly, your device must have an ambient light senso

480.45 KB
PrimeLab 1.0.288

The PrimeLab app is probably the most powerful and complete photometer tool in its field. Through wireless connection to PrimeLab photometer you can:

15.01 MB

Advance Sensor Tool for Android detects sensors on your Android device, and shows their real time data with the help of vivid graphics, graphs and tex

3.19 MB
Barometer HD 1.0.5

This is an AdFree Barometer app + widget with HD graphics (1024x1024). Click to refresh, LongClick to save. It's possible to calibrate the barometer u

1.06 MB
Barometer 1.3.1

Professional barometer for everyone's need with additional altimeter (both sensor and GPS) functions. Operation is based on integrated barometric pres

2.57 MB
Barometer 1.0.9

Simple no frill barometer with up to 14 days recorded pressure trend. Work in progress, there will be frequent updates coming in. Features: - Baromete

716.55 KB

This sensor app measures and displays latitude, longitude, altitude, speed, and direction, with +/- accuracy and number of satellites. Data is collect

911.92 KB
Barometer 1.4

Professional barometer for your device. Display your local barometric pressure on your android phone. Show you the atmospheric pressure using the baro

1.87 MB

This Magnetometer is a great way for you to detect electromagnetic fields. By using your device's inbuilt geomagnetic field sensor we can measure fiel

1.34 MB

This is a simple plotting application for evaluating the built-in magnetometer in your device. By rotating your smart phone or tablet 360 degrees, the

1.49 MB

Using the sensor in your phone you can read the magnetic field strength near by, and record a stream of data points. Not all phones have this capabili

5.75 MB
Lux Meter 1.3

Lux Meter is a simple light meter for measuring illuminances (lux, fc) by using the light sensor of the device. Key features: - Double tap the screen

2.33 MB