Gps Manager Mobile 1.4.0 [free]


System lokalizacyjno-logistyczny GPS Manager w wersji mobilnej dla urządzeń z systemem operacyjnym Android.
Aplikacja przeznaczona jest dla Klientów Nowe Technologie MS GPS Sp. z o.o. Spółka komandytowa, których obiekty wyposażone są w terminale telematyczne działające w systemie
GPS Manager.
Uwaga! Do poprawnego lokalizowania użytkownika na mapie wymagane jest aktywowanie w urządzeniu opcji zezwalającej na "użycie informacji o Twoim położeniu".
Oferowane funkcjonalności i dostarczane dane:
• lokalizacja pojazdu w czasie rzeczywistym ze wskazaniem czasu, który upłynął od ostatniego odczytu danych,
• wskazywanie stanu obiektu (jazda, zatrzymanie, postój, alarm, przemieszczenie),
• wskazywanie poziom sygnałów GPS i GSM, ich zakłócania oraz systemowych ostrzeżeń i alarmów,
• wskazywanie danych z urządzeń: prędkość jazdy, prędkość obrotowa silnika, stan stacyjki pojazdu, stan silnika pojazdu, napięcie w instalacji elektrycznej, stan pracy
tachografu, poziom paliwa, temperatura w komorze chłodniczej itp.
• wskazywanie ostatniej trasy przejazdu w czasie rzeczywistym (również w trakcie jazdy),
• lokalizacja użytkownika względem monitorowanego pojazdu,
a) lokalizacja na podstawie sygnału z wież sieci komórkowych co 300m i co 30 sek.
b) lokalizacja na podstawie sygnału GPS co 10m i co 5 sek.
c) lokalizacja na podstawie sieci wi-fi, stała.
• obsługa grupy obiektów ‘obserwowane’ – możliwość dodawania do grupy wybranych obiektów z innych grup,
• obsługa raportów: raport tras, raport tras CAN/GPS, raport tachograf-pojazd, raport zużycia paliwa (dane prezentowane na cyfrowej mapie i wykresach) – raporty z okresu
ostatnich 48 godzin,
• obsługa historii raportów,
• wyszukiwanie obiektów z grup po nazwie.
Więcej informacji o systemie Infis i aplikacji mobilnej znajduje się na
Localization and logistics system (AVL) for mobile devices with Android.
The app is designed for Nowe Technologie MS GPS Sp. z o.o. Spółka komandytowa clients, whose vehicles are equipped with GPS Manager telematics terminals.
Note! For poperly Android device localization (in relation to a monitored vehicle) it is required to enable 'user current location'.
Provided functionalities and data:
• real-time vehicle localization with info about last data transfer,
• movement status indication (drive, stop, parking, alarm, displacement),
• GPS/GSM signal, jamming, warnings and alarms indication,
• data from GPS device: speed, RPM, ignition status, engine status, voltage, tachograph status, fuel level, temperature in isothermal containers etc.
• last route indication (also during car movement),
• Infis GPS Mobile user localization in relation to a monitored vehicles.
a) based on mobile networks - every 300m and every 30 seconds.
b) based on GPS signal - every 10m and every 5 seconds.
c) based on wireless networks - permanent.
• additional vehicle group named ‘current monitoring’ (user can add to this group any objects from other groups),
• last 48 hours reports handling: routes report, tachograph-vehicle report, fuel consumption report (data on digital map and graphs),
• reports history handling,
• vehicle search (by name).
More information about Infis system and mobile application is available on

System Location and GPS logistic Manager version for mobile devices with the Android operating system.
The application is designed for customers MS GPS New Technologies Sp. o.o. Limited partnership whose facilities are equipped with telematics terminals operating in the GPS
Warning! To correctly locate on the map the user is required to activate the device option authorizing the "use information about your location."
Offered the functionality and data provided:
• the location of the vehicle in real time indicating the time elapsed since the last retrieval,
• status display object (driving, stop, stop, alarm, displacement)
• indication of the level of GPS and GSM system, and disrupt their warnings and alarms,
• pointing device data: vehicle speed, engine speed, the ignition state of the vehicle, the state of the motor vehicle, the voltage in the electrical system, the operating
state of the tachograph, fuel level, the temperature in the cooling, etc.
• indicating the last route in real time (even while driving)
• user's location relative to the monitored vehicle,
a) the location based on signals from cell towers at 300m and every 30 seconds.
b) location based on GPS as 10m and every 5 sec.
c) based on the location of wi-fi network, constant.
• operation of a group of objects "observed" - the ability to add to the group of objects from the other groups,
• service reports: routes, the report tracks the CAN / GPS report tachograph-vehicle fuel efficiency report (data presented on a digital map and graphs) - reports from the
last 48 hours
• service history reports,
• Search groups of objects by name.
More information about Infis and mobile applications located on
Localization and logistics system (AVL) for mobile devices with Android.
The app is designed for MS GPS New Technologies Sp. o.o. Limited partnership clients, Whose vehicles are equipped with GPS Manager telematics terminals.
Note! For poperly Android device localization (in relation to a vehicle Monitored) it is required that enable 'user current location'.
Provided functionalities and data:
• Real-time vehicle localization with info about last date of the transfer,
• movement status indication (drive, stop, parking, alarm, displacement)
• GPS / GSM signal, jamming, warnings and alarms indication,
• data from the GPS device: speed, RPM, ignition status, engine status, voltage, tachograph status, fuel level, temperature in isothermal containers, etc.
• Last route indication (also during car movement)
• Infis GPS mobile user localization in relation to a Monitored vehicles.
a) based on mobile networks - every 300m and every 30 seconds.
b) based on the GPS signal - and every 10m every 5 seconds.
c) based on wireless networks - permanent.
• additional vehicle group named 'current monitoring' (user can add to this group any objects from other groups).
• Last 48 hours handling reports: report routes, tachograph-vehicle report, fuel consumption report (data on digital maps and graphs)
• handling history reports,
• The vehicle search (by name).
More information about Infis system and mobile application is available on

Versioni precedenti

Free Download Scarica da QR Code
  • Nome del Applicazioni: Gps Manager Mobile
  • Categoria: Viaggi e info locali
  • Nome APK: pl.nt.gpsmanager
  • Ultima versione: 1.4.0
  • Requisito: 5.0 o superiore
  • Dimensioni del file : 4.91 MB
  • tempo aggiornato: 2022-05-11