白沙屯 GPS 即時定位 7.0.3 [free]


※ In the year of Renyin in 2023, the Mazu of Gongtian Temple in Baishatun will go south to Beigang to make offerings to the Temple of Heaven. With the GPS system, we will
provide you with the most instant and accurate GPS location of Mazu in Baishatun!
※ If you think our APP is good to use, welcome to give us 5 stars as encouragement for our love!
※ We are not the official organization of "Baishatun Gongtian Temple", so the event information is mainly based on the official announcement of "Baishatun Gongtian Temple". For
more information, you can also refer to "Baishatun Gongtian Temple Official Facebook Fan Page".
※ Our fan page is "Where is Baishatun Mazu?", and you are welcome to search "Where is Baishatun Mazu?" on Facebook and give us a "Like" as encouragement!
※ The GPS device is followed by our "artificial carrying device" to collect information beside the Mazu sedan chair. If you see them on the road, you can give them encouragement
or help!
※ We are a group of "unofficial teams" serving Baishatun Mazu. Whether it is software engineering, auxiliary equipment, or personnel management, it is all done by team members
through division of labor and cooperation.
※ Hope to provide a fast, convenient and easy-to-operate platform every year, which can be used by believers or related units, so that the activities can be completed smoothly
and satisfactorily.
※ The system will obtain the user's location, and you can choose not to share it from the system settings to completely close it, and the information will only be used for
analysis of the distribution of believers.
※ In order to protect personal safety, please do not publish your real information in the APP, such as personal information such as name, phone number, address, credit card
number or ID number.
※ During the event, the management personnel will monitor the GPS signal and status at any time, and will do their best to provide the most complete information service, but the
satellite signal may cause positioning errors due to factors such as weather and electricity, and the station will not be responsible for this responsible for any loss.
※ The map route will only display about 500 points as the route basis, so the route record is for reference only.
※ Everyone should pay attention to the content of the message, please do not publish topics that violate social good customs, indecent words, violate the law, contain personal
attacks, and maliciously spread inappropriate speech symbols or links.
※ If there is a violation and it is verified after reporting, the staff will blacklist the user.
※ If the message in the chat room is reported, it will be reviewed by the staff. If there is any violation of the above-mentioned norms, the message will be deleted.
※ If a user's message has been successfully reported more than 5 times (inclusive), the system will automatically blacklist the user.
※ Blacklisted users can still use the APP, but in order to avoid disputes, the messages of blacklisted users will be filtered and displayed by the system.
※ Those who speak too fast will be locked in the system for 15 seconds before they can speak, in order to avoid being maliciously edited or too short and intentionally
disturbing the order of the message dynamics.
※ At present, user-related conversation data will not be retained for a long time. If necessary, please back up your own. The maximum number of messages is 100 characters each
time. Please pay attention to the length of the content when sending a message.
※ The system does not need to be logged in by any third party. Only the name and profile photo you set on the APP are published on the system. However, if a user violates the
above regulations, the system administrator can still manage the APP's message according to the device.
※ The APP will be opened from time to time to allow users to provide accommodation and other related information. After the information is reviewed by the staff, it will be
displayed on the chat room. If the information is inappropriate or reported, it will also be deleted.
※ When adding a message or leaving a message, you need to set a nickname before it can be used.

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  • Nome del Applicazioni: 白沙屯 GPS 即時定位
  • Categoria: Viaggi e info locali
  • Nome APK: gps.godmaps.tw
  • Ultima versione: 7.0.3
  • Requisito: 6.0 o superiore
  • Dimensioni del file : 3.94 MB
  • tempo aggiornato: 2023-01-31