MobIR is an app suitable for mobile phone infrared modules. In the real-time video mode, it can measure temperature, switch color palettes (including custom color palettes),
take pictures, videos, parameter settings, analysis objects, pictures and videos in real time. Browse, reanalyze photos, playback video, cloud function, and multi-language
functions. You can use this app to record the temperature of every moment in your life!
take pictures, videos, parameter settings, analysis objects, pictures and videos in real time. Browse, reanalyze photos, playback video, cloud function, and multi-language
functions. You can use this app to record the temperature of every moment in your life!
Versioni precedenti
- 11/16/2023: 1.4.91
- Report a new version
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- Nome del Applicazioni:
- Categoria: Intrattenimento
- Nome APK:
- Ultima versione: 1.4.91
- Requisito: 4.4 o superiore
- Dimensioni del file : 9.37 MB
- tempo aggiornato: 2023-11-16