Time stamp Camera can add time stamp,location stamp and signature stamp on photo and video while capturing.
Stamp your existing photo and every photo captured with this app.
●Add current time,location and signature while capturing images, you can change time format or select the location around easily.
- Support change font format, font color, font size
- Support auto add location address and GPS
- Add your logo as signature on photo
Stamp your existing photo and every photo captured with this app.
●Add current time,location and signature while capturing images, you can change time format or select the location around easily.
- Support change font format, font color, font size
- Support auto add location address and GPS
- Add your logo as signature on photo
Versioni precedenti
- 11/10/2022: TimeStamp Camera 1.5.0
- Report a new version
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- Nome del Applicazioni: TimeStamp Camera
- Categoria: Fotografia
- Nome APK:
- Ultima versione: 1.5.0
- Requisito: 4.1 o superiore
- Dimensioni del file : 5.55 MB
- tempo aggiornato: 2022-11-10