2.0.2 [free]


Yo! Jeno tells me the weather.◜◡◝
It shows the current local weather and temperature on the screen.
There are different photos of Jeno depending on the weather!
*To be updated later*
- A function that informs the weather every hour, the weather for the next day
- Background color and photo customization
- Widget function

Versioni precedenti

Free Download Scarica da QR Code
  • Nome del Applicazioni:
  • Categoria: Meteo
  • Nome APK: com.goraemaji.puppyweatherapp
  • Ultima versione: 2.0.2
  • Requisito: 5.0 o superiore
  • Dimensioni del file : 65.74 MB
  • tempo aggiornato: 2024-05-10