Use Advanced Task Manager to end applications, speed up phone, and save battery!
1) Tablet support with specific layouts for large screens
2) Charts and visuals to view system information
3) Terminate Apps via App Detail Page
4) Shows Battery, Memory, & device Info
5) Shortcuts to useful tools
6) SD Card Management (Move apps between phone and sd card. Requires you to be on Android 2.2 at least).
7) Bulk Uninstall
8) Press-to-End Shortcut (instead of widget).
The press-to-end shortcut (accessible by long pressing home screen and choosing shortcut) replaces the widget.
For Cliq users, your android version is not at least 1.6. It should not have been shown to you as an upgradeable version. This is a glitch via the Android Market since I require at least Android 1.6. This is why you guys are unable to download or install the application.
The new interface requires Android 2.2.
Versioni precedenti
- 03/10/2015: Advanced Task Manager 5.6
- Report a new version
- Nome del Applicazioni: Advanced Task Manager
- Categoria: Produttività
- Nome APK: com.arron.taskManager
- Ultima versione: 5.6
- Requisito: 2.1.x o superiore
- Dimensioni del file : 525.4 KB
- tempo aggiornato: 2017-09-01