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서기 2079년, 영원한 삶을 원하는 인류의 90%가 이용하는 가상세계 [게이트식스] 이를 바탕으로 강력한 권력을 갖게 된 슈퍼게이트는 자신들의 목표를 위해 인체실험까지 강행하고, 주인공 렉스는 자신도 모르게 인체실험의 대상이 되는데… 현실의 몸은 죽고 가상세계에만 존

79.15 MB

★정식 출시 기념 선물★ 접속 후 선물함에서 보상을 받으세요. 보상 : 1,000코인 / 500 캐시 / 빗자루 1개 / 음료수 1개 ★정식 출시 기념 쿠폰★ 쿠폰코드 : LAUNCHING 보상 : 5,000코인 / 500 캐시 / 빗자루 5개 / 음료수 5개 ★네이버

19.91 MB

Shoot 2048 is a remix of number merge, bubble shooting and match-3 games You will fall in love with this innovative puzzle game immediately HOW TO PLA

44.31 MB
2048 1.52

2.65 MB

2048 Hex Clear is an easy to understand yet fun to master puzzle game. The unique hexagon puzzle board is a fun challenge for even the advanced puzzle

8.15 MB
2048 Guns 1.2

If you are a gun lover, then this game is right for you. Feature: • Merge guns to upgrade. • Variety of firearms. There are more than 25 kinds of fire

47.44 MB

2048: Drop And Merge is a game about placing and merging tiles with numbers. Despite the simplicity of the rules you will have to think a little (or m

7.1 MB
2048 Cards 1.0.8

23.75 MB

▷다양한 컨텐츠 도입 무장 모집, 군단전, 명성 쟁탈, 초선차전, 탈것, 법보,신병,광산 채굴 최강의 삼국 군주 되어라! 천하를 내 손안에! ▷역대급 국가전  삼국 시대를 기반으로 한 대규모 국가전 일일 던전 ,경기장, 보스토벌, 사방 정전, 서버간 전투 심용점혈에서 

10.39 MB

This is a native kerala calendar app. It gives the same feeling of using normal wall calendar. Very useful for checking Kerala government holidays. മല

14.6 MB

2019 Football Champion - Soccer League - a game that allows you to become a part of this epic event. Having chosen your favorite team, you can help he

35.36 MB

무인도에서 기억을 잃은 주인공! 여긴 어디? 나는 누구? 생존형 스토리 RPG ! 다양한 무기로 적과 싸우며, 성우 녹음으로 스토리를 더욱 깊게 빠져든다. 숨겨 있는 화려한 스킬도 수집해보자! 수영. 캠프, 낚시, 사냥, 무기 강화 즐길 거리가 많이 있습니다. 3~4장

94.4 MB

4.97 MB

Смотри познавательные каналы Discovery на своем мобильном устройстве абсолютно бесплатно. Возможно добавление собственных каналов, а так же использова

51.11 MB

IPL Club Manager 2019  No. 1 Cricket game on Google Play. Indian Cricket League now brings Cricket India,12th IPL cricket lover can now have the most

24 MB

SURA'S 11th Standard App ( Latest Syllabus ) provides Complete Study Materials for all subjects in English and Tamil Medium. 11th Std Previous Year Qu

13.89 MB

10th class physics notes in urdu 10th class physics notes pdf

7.85 MB

10th class chemistry notes 10th class chemistry solved exercises pdf 10th class chemistry solved exercises mcqs chemistry notes class 9 kips academy n

7.96 MB
1010! Color 1.0.0

1010! Color is a minimalist brain teaser – a block puzzle game that will challenge you, while also training the brain. Put your puzzle skills to the t

34.85 MB

Xavier Aptitude Test is national-level management aptitude test. XLRI conducts the exam on behalf of Xavier Association of Management Institutes (XAMI

5.93 MB