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מעודכן לשנת הלימודים תשע"ו כמה ימים נשארו עד החופש הגדול ? כמה ימי לימודים נשארו ? מתי החופשה הבאה ? הספירה לחופש תציג את כול המידע הדרוש. הספירה לחופ

462.37 KB

The best TV guide app in the US! It gives you fast and accurate TV listings for all the major TV channels, networks and providers - 7 days of schedule

7.84 MB
PicYoung 4.5.0

PicYoung is a light and professional mobile app for creative graphic design. Developed by TuTao Tech (Shanghai) with our own algorithm, PicYoung enabl

25.18 MB
Comidea 2.6.181201

COMIDEA is a comic APP via which you can create and share your comic works. It is easier to use and no need for any comic elementary. Everyone can use

28.35 MB
myTV SUPER 3.4.1

myTV SUPER is broadened by TVB that offers you a vast volume and extensive choices of thematic channels and contents, including TVB self-produced show

101.89 MB

pick up lines pick up lines in hindi dialogues to impress a girl how to impress a girl funny lines pickup lines pickup lines in hindi Shayari Hindi sh

3.08 MB

The most popular home screen app - IN Launcher - Themes, Emojis & GIFs for Android is coming now! Customized your phone home screen with hottest emoji

22.53 MB
网易BoBo 3.9.6

*Beauty to accompany you to chat. talk things, the Hey song dancer play the game!*24-hour live-action live show, the night chat video Dating essentia

30.45 MB
Color 2.6

Color:Color in material design is inspired by bold hues juxtaposed with muted environments, deep shadows, and bright highlights.The color palette:This

1.95 MB
Oke Hero

iPhone上最火的K歌软件闪亮登场: 《K歌达人》是专为K歌爱好者设计的一款K歌软件,该软件集成了在线下载、K歌、录音合成、歌曲分享至微博等功能,让你随时随地K歌并与好友分享! 她采用了精简的操作界面,配备先进的智能K歌评分功能,更有海量潮歌等你来High,实属K歌发烧友的必备软件! 软件

19.05 MB

Os melhores canais de tv direto no seu celular, com diversos conteúdos e programações livres para todos os públicos, tv no celular traz os principais

7.66 MB
Movistar Play (Ecuador) v7.1.0.20190625t124807

Las mejores películas, series y contenido infantil para disfrutar en cualquier lugar y con cualquier dispositivo. Entérate más en

41.33 MB

StreamCraft is the world’s most rewarding streaming platform. Come join our community of gamers where both viewers and content creators get rewarded f

24.25 MB

Skins MASTER for Minecraft PE (Pocket Edition) is the best tools for your skin in game. Here you can edit skins and save in game. Download and Install

12.96 MB

GameHall is a app for CMCC users. It provides the games for downloading and the information about games and industry. 游戏大厅是中国移动为手机用戶提供的一个游戏服务平台。它提供

47.09 MB
Douban Movie 5.0.2

当你为看哪部影片犹豫不决时,它可以提供别人的评论和评分来帮你做决定; 当你苦于排了长队却买不到好座位时,它可以帮你提前选座购票,节省你的时间; 当你想发表对一部影片的看法时,可以拿它来写短评和打分;也能随时查询影片详情和影院优惠;它就是 - 豆瓣电影这里有1800家电影院加盟; 这里收录了百万

28.31 MB
ARTAND 1.7.4

Artand荣誉奖项:最美应用、AppSO、小众软件、少数派、360手机助手、搜狗手助、小米应用商店先后推荐,荣获极客公园最佳产品设计奖,ASO100最具影响力App社交类第一名。APP功能介绍    - 优化私信询价- 优化首页活动推荐- 详情页改版丰富内容- 作品发布优化- 发表各类当代艺术作品

27.09 MB

Почувствуй ТНТ-PREMIER! Главные телевизионные премьеры до эфира на ТВ. Эксклюзивные сериалы, которые никогда не покажут по телевизору. Коллекции шоу,

36.46 MB

Nikmati koleksi terbaik dari Lagu Batak Toba dari penyanyi batak terpopuler. Semua lagu batak dilengkapi dengan lirik lagu sehingga akan dengan mudah

37.29 MB
Spectrum TV

Take your Spectrum TV experience with you! With the Spectrum TV App, you can enjoy up to 250 live TV channels and up to 30,000 On Demand TV shows and

19.95 MB