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আজকাল আমরা অনেক ব্যস্ত জীবন যাপন করি, তাই অনেক কিছু মনে রাখতে পারি না। আপনার জীবনটা আরেকটু সহজ করতেই আমাদের এই অ্যাপ্লিকেশনটি তৈরি করা। আপনি যদি ঢাকা

2.57 MB

TDriver es la nueva red de Taxistas profesionales del país compuestos por 14 empresas habilitas por el ministerio de transporte. Únase a nosotros ahor

3.22 MB

اس رسالے میں آپ پڑھ سکے گے سرکار نے ایک بار اذان دی، شیطان 36 میل دور بھاگ جاتا ہے، غم دور کرنے کا نسخہ، مسجد میں اذان دینا خلاف سنت ھے، اذان کی توہین

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Adhan 2.0

This is the best azan app for android that you must have. Adhan is called out by a muezzin from the mosque five times a day, traditionally from the mi

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*** REQUIRES LOGIN *** Application for the drivers part of our circuit. Please email [email protected] if you would like to join our ubiCabs network

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Passenger Cars Group is a 24 Hour Private Hire Taxi Service that covers all of Trafford, South Manchester & East Cheshire. We have a wide range of veh

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Conoce las mejores rutas para disfrutar de nuestro inigualable entorno. Lleva en tu dispositivo móvil todas ellas para pasar unos días inolvidables po

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En esta Guía encontraras Toda La Información de los 9 Municipios de la Comarca de Cazorla,(Cazorla,La Iruela,Santo Tomé,Chilluevar,Peal de Becerro,Que

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Lastres v1.11b518525

Llastres, located in the Asturian town of Colunga, is a village with a genuine seaside charm that was included in the list of the most beautiful villa

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Aplicación gratuita del Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Llanes. Subvencionada por el Fondo Europeo de Pesca. La aplicación “Llanes y la mar” está destinada a i

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Sunnah Pro 1.0.7

A Complete Knowledge Of Five Pillars Of Islam With Islamic Manners And Etiquettes, Supplication And Remembrance, Biography Of Beloved Prophet Muhammad

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Abdest ve namaz hareketlerinin nasıl olduğunu resimli olarak öğrenin.

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Singapore Popular Tourist Places adviser Free app offers information about most popular places and tourism idea about spending your vacations and holi

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Amritsar 2.4

This exclusive Android application is designed to acquaint you to the city of Amritsar. Amritsar is a city in north-western part of India. It is the s

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We are passionate Pushkarites sharing the city we love, serving locals and visitors with stories that inspire, and information to guide you. We believ

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MOBY 1.1

Potrai prenotare il tuo viaggio in traghetto per la Sardegna, la Corsica o l'Isola d'Elba, comodamente, usando il tuo Smartphone Android.

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Easy availabilty finder of Guides registered with Sri Lanka Institute of National Tourist Guide Lecturers

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Ever wonder how your trip to Sri Lanka would be, if you were able to communicate in Sinhalese? The answer is simply FUN!!! Regardless of where you are

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Have you ever found yourself driving up to the ferry, just as it's pulling away? Doesn't it stink having to wait for the next ferry? Well, now you can

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The team here at Top 100 Attractions, have scoured the length and breadth of the outstanding countryside and coastline that makes up this island of Ir

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