Radio Pro Manele este un post de radio online care sa lansat oficial in anul 2008.
Radio Pro Manele iti ofera cele mai frumoase si mai indragite melodii din categoria manele pe care le poti asculta online 24/24h, 7 zile din 7.
Aici poti asculta manele vechi ce iti vor strani cele mai frumoase si placute amintiri alaturi de cele mai noi manele.
Avand o experienta destul de vasta suntem siguri ca stim ce merita ascultat si ca ceea ce va oferim este de cea mai buna calitate.
Punem accent pe calitatea fiecarei piese incluse in playlist, avand grija sa-i oferim personalitate.
Emitem exclusiv online ceea ce inseamna ce ne poti Asculta in Winamp, VLC Media Player sau in orice alt player audio si pe telefoanele cu Android si iOS.
Radio Pro Manele este un post de radio online de manele unde poti face DEDICATII LIVE si poti trimite mesaje celor dragi in mod GRATUIT, atat pe site cat si in legatura
Cu un program dedicat pentru toate gusturile ascultatorilor de orice varsta si de pretutindeni, Radio Pro Manele este un post de radio ce te ajuta sa lucrezi mai bine, sa
navighezi cu placere si sa iti petreci timpul liber intr-un mod cat mai placut si mai reconfortant !
Suntem alaturi de tine de peste 10 ani oferindu-ti in fiecare zi muzica pe care o cauti, muzica pe care o iubesti !
Va asteptam cu mare drag alaturi de noi !
Radio Pro Manele is an online radio station that was officially launched in 2008.
Radio Pro Manele offers you the most beautiful and beloved songs from the manele category that you can listen to online 24 / 24h, 7 days a week.
Here you can listen to the old manele that will gather your most beautiful and pleasant memories with the newest manele.
Having a fairly extensive experience we are sure that we know what is worth listening to and that what we offer is of the best quality.
We emphasize the quality of each song included in the playlist, taking care to give it personality.
We broadcast exclusively online, which means what you can listen to in Winamp, VLC Media Player or any other audio player on Android and iOS phones.
Radio Pro Manele is an online radio station of manele where you can make LIVE DEDICATIONS and you can send messages to your loved ones for FREE, both on the site and in
direct connection.
With a program dedicated to all tastes of listeners of all ages and everywhere, Radio Pro Manele is a radio station that helps you work better, navigate with pleasure and
spend your free time in a pleasant and enjoyable way. comforting!
We have been with you for over 10 years, offering you every day the music you are looking for, the music you love!
We look forward to seeing you!
Radio Pro Manele iti ofera cele mai frumoase si mai indragite melodii din categoria manele pe care le poti asculta online 24/24h, 7 zile din 7.
Aici poti asculta manele vechi ce iti vor strani cele mai frumoase si placute amintiri alaturi de cele mai noi manele.
Avand o experienta destul de vasta suntem siguri ca stim ce merita ascultat si ca ceea ce va oferim este de cea mai buna calitate.
Punem accent pe calitatea fiecarei piese incluse in playlist, avand grija sa-i oferim personalitate.
Emitem exclusiv online ceea ce inseamna ce ne poti Asculta in Winamp, VLC Media Player sau in orice alt player audio si pe telefoanele cu Android si iOS.
Radio Pro Manele este un post de radio online de manele unde poti face DEDICATII LIVE si poti trimite mesaje celor dragi in mod GRATUIT, atat pe site cat si in legatura
Cu un program dedicat pentru toate gusturile ascultatorilor de orice varsta si de pretutindeni, Radio Pro Manele este un post de radio ce te ajuta sa lucrezi mai bine, sa
navighezi cu placere si sa iti petreci timpul liber intr-un mod cat mai placut si mai reconfortant !
Suntem alaturi de tine de peste 10 ani oferindu-ti in fiecare zi muzica pe care o cauti, muzica pe care o iubesti !
Va asteptam cu mare drag alaturi de noi !
Radio Pro Manele is an online radio station that was officially launched in 2008.
Radio Pro Manele offers you the most beautiful and beloved songs from the manele category that you can listen to online 24 / 24h, 7 days a week.
Here you can listen to the old manele that will gather your most beautiful and pleasant memories with the newest manele.
Having a fairly extensive experience we are sure that we know what is worth listening to and that what we offer is of the best quality.
We emphasize the quality of each song included in the playlist, taking care to give it personality.
We broadcast exclusively online, which means what you can listen to in Winamp, VLC Media Player or any other audio player on Android and iOS phones.
Radio Pro Manele is an online radio station of manele where you can make LIVE DEDICATIONS and you can send messages to your loved ones for FREE, both on the site and in
direct connection.
With a program dedicated to all tastes of listeners of all ages and everywhere, Radio Pro Manele is a radio station that helps you work better, navigate with pleasure and
spend your free time in a pleasant and enjoyable way. comforting!
We have been with you for over 10 years, offering you every day the music you are looking for, the music you love!
We look forward to seeing you!
Versioni precedenti
- 03/17/2021: Radio Pro Manele 7
- Report a new version
- Nome del Applicazioni: Radio Pro Manele
- Categoria: Strumenti
- Nome APK: radio.promanele
- Ultima versione: 7
- Requisito: 4.1 o superiore
- Dimensioni del file : 9.34 MB
- tempo aggiornato: 2021-03-17