Tomahawk 0.986.armeabi.v7a [free]


Please keep in mind that Tomahawk and the different plugin apps are still under development. Bugs and crashes are still to be expected.Music is everywhere, now you don’t have to be. Tomahawk, the critically acclaimed multi-source music player, is now available on Android. Given the name of an artist, album or song Tomahawk will find the best available source and play it - whether that be from paid or free online streaming services, local network sources or your phone’s local storage.Tomahawk for Android also syncs your history, your loved tracks, artists, albums and your playlists to/from the desktop version of Tomahawk via our new music community, Hatchet. On Hatchet you can hear your friends' favorite tracks and see what they're currently listening to.If you come across any issues please report them here: can help translate Tomahawk here: the source code here:

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  • Nome del Applicazioni: Tomahawk
  • Categoria: Musica e audio
  • Nome APK: org.tomahawk.tomahawk_android
  • Ultima versione: 0.986.armeabi.v7a
  • Requisito: 4.0.3 o superiore
  • Dimensioni del file : 22.04 MB
  • tempo aggiornato: 2017-09-12