This App provides citizen and residents in the State of Kuwait a digital ID which could be used for the following purposes and more:
- Portable mobile based Civil ID
- Authentication to government and non-government eServices
- Digital Signature of electronic documents and transactions
- Portable mobile based Civil ID
- Authentication to government and non-government eServices
- Digital Signature of electronic documents and transactions
Versioni precedenti
- 05/25/2023: Kuwait Mobile ID هويتي 2.1.0
- Report a new version
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- Nome del Applicazioni: Kuwait Mobile ID هويتي
- Categoria: Lavoro
- Nome APK:
- Ultima versione: 2.1.0
- Requisito: 8.0 o superiore
- Dimensioni del file : 162.54 MB
- tempo aggiornato: 2023-05-25