The novel takes place in a fictional country called Two Neighbors, the origin of this name came from two neighboring countries separated by a dry river. After the flood of the
Akma sea that surrounded the two countries, the features of life disappeared and this state appeared after years of water receding, and then underground water wells were dug,
to replace the dry river, as the writer tells in these imaginary events.
The writer points out that the events take place after the two countries unite and call them the two neighbors, and then the name changes to become two neighbors.
In the novel, the people of two neighbors are divided into two classes: the masala and the honorable. This country has strict rules that may amount to the execution of anyone
who begs himself not to abide by the law by which the state is bound.
These strict and difficult laws were agreed upon by the indigenous people of the state due to the injustice and corruption that were rampant in the state at the time.
The new generation built a great wall around the city and enacted laws, the most important of which is that it does not live in two neighbors beyond the age of fifty, and it
is not permissible for offspring to marry honorable people, and by the offspring are meant the illegitimate children, and there is the possibility of cloning and transferring
souls among the population.
The novel does not have one specific hero. On the one hand, the reader lives a love story of two heroes within the lands of two neighbors, namely, Ghufran al-Sharifa and the
character of Nadil al-Nasali. Can they change the strict and unjust rules and lift the injustice of two neighbors towards the family class or not, and on the other hand, the
reader lives with the doctor Fadel, the adventure of his entry to the city of Two neighbors.
The author indicates that this novel will be followed by another part.
Akma sea that surrounded the two countries, the features of life disappeared and this state appeared after years of water receding, and then underground water wells were dug,
to replace the dry river, as the writer tells in these imaginary events.
The writer points out that the events take place after the two countries unite and call them the two neighbors, and then the name changes to become two neighbors.
In the novel, the people of two neighbors are divided into two classes: the masala and the honorable. This country has strict rules that may amount to the execution of anyone
who begs himself not to abide by the law by which the state is bound.
These strict and difficult laws were agreed upon by the indigenous people of the state due to the injustice and corruption that were rampant in the state at the time.
The new generation built a great wall around the city and enacted laws, the most important of which is that it does not live in two neighbors beyond the age of fifty, and it
is not permissible for offspring to marry honorable people, and by the offspring are meant the illegitimate children, and there is the possibility of cloning and transferring
souls among the population.
The novel does not have one specific hero. On the one hand, the reader lives a love story of two heroes within the lands of two neighbors, namely, Ghufran al-Sharifa and the
character of Nadil al-Nasali. Can they change the strict and unjust rules and lift the injustice of two neighbors towards the family class or not, and on the other hand, the
reader lives with the doctor Fadel, the adventure of his entry to the city of Two neighbors.
The author indicates that this novel will be followed by another part.
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- tempo aggiornato: 2023-06-17