Open Pharmacies is a tool to search and find open pharmacies near you and get informations about opening hours, view the position on the map, phone number and address of
London, Dublin, Liverpool, Cambridge, Oxford, Nottingham, Newcastle, Windsor, Sheffield, Glasgow and al the other countries of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern
The app is free and actually supports Great Britain and Italy.
London, Dublin, Liverpool, Cambridge, Oxford, Nottingham, Newcastle, Windsor, Sheffield, Glasgow and al the other countries of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern
The app is free and actually supports Great Britain and Italy.
Versioni precedenti
- 01/01/2018: Open Pharmacies 2.1
- Report a new version
Free Download
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- Nome del Applicazioni: Open Pharmacies
- Categoria: Salute e fitness
- Nome APK: com.stefanoandreetta.farmaciediturno
- Ultima versione: 2.1
- Requisito: 4.0.3 o superiore
- Dimensioni del file : 4.07 MB
- tempo aggiornato: 2018-01-01