NCERT Solutions of NCERT Books 3.4 [free]


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* Every Solution FREE - All NCERT Books & Reference Books covered!
The list of NCERT books and references covered in this app -
Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Maths: Math Magic; Hindi: rimjhim; EVS: Looking Around (3, 4, 5)
Class 6, 7, 8:
Maths: R. D. Sharma, R. S. Aggarwal, NCERT
Science: Living Science, Science in Everyday Life, Active Science, Basic Science, Frank CCE Everyday Science, NCERT
Hindi: Vasant Bhag 1, 2, 3; Durva Bhag 1, 2, 3, Bal Ram Katha (6), Bal Mahabharat Katha (7), Bharat Ki Khoj (8)
English: 6- Honeysuckle, A pact with the Sun; 7- Honeycomb, An Alien Hand; 8- Honeydew, It So Happened
Social Science: Our Pasts I, II, III (Part 1, 2), Social and Political Life I, II, III, The Earth: Our Habitat (6), Our Environment (7), Resources and Development (8),
Longman Panorama Geography (6, 7), History (7), Civics (7), Ratna Sagar History (6), Ratna Sagar Geography (6), Ratna Sagar Civics (6)
Sanskrit: Ruchira Bhag 1, 2, 3
Class 9, 10:
Maths: R.D. Sharma, R.S. Agarwal, NCERT
Science: NCERT, Lakmir Singh and Manjit Kaur Physics and Chemistry, Lakhmir Singh and Manjit Kaur Biology (10), P S Verma and V K Aggarwal Biology (9)
Hindi: Kshitij, Kritika, Sparsh, Sanchayan Bhag 1, Bhag 2
Social Science: Democratic Politics Part I, II, India and the Contemporary World Part I, II, Contemporary India Part I, II, Economics, Understanding Economic
English: Main Course Book CBSE, Literature Reader, Beehive (9), Moments (9), First Flight (10), Footprints Without Feet (10)
Class 11: Science, Commerce and Humanities
English: Hornbill, Woven Words, Snapshots
Economics: T R Jain and V K Ohri, Indian Economic Development, Statistics for Economics, Sandeep Garg, N M Shah
Physics: H C Verma Part 1, HC Verma Part 2, Physics Part I, Physics Part II
Chemistry: Chemistry Part I, Chemistry Part II
Biology: NCERT
Maths: NCERT, RD Sharma XI
Accountancy: Double Entry Book Keeping T S Grewal 2015, Double Entry Book Keeping TS Grewal 2014, Financial Accounting Part I, Financial Accounting Part II, TS Grewal
(2013 Edition), Accountancy DK Goel (2015)
Business Studies: NCERT
Sociology: Introducing Sociology, Understanding Society
Psychology: NCERT
Political Science: Political Theory, Indian Constitution at Work
History: Themes in World History
Class 12: Science, Commerce and Humanities
English: Vistas, Flamingo
Economics: Introductory Microeconomics, Introductory Macroeconomics
Physics: H C Verma Part I, HC Verma Part II, Physics Part 1, Physics Part 2
Chemistry: Chemistry Part 1, Chemistry Part 2
Biology: NCERT
Maths: NCERT Books, RD Sharma Volume 1, 2 (XII)
Accountancy: Double Entry Book Keeping T S Grewal 2015, 2014, Analysis of Financial Statements T. S. Grewal 2015, Analysis of Financial Statements T.S. Grewal 2014,
Partnership Accounts, Company Accounts and Analysis of Financial Statements, TS Grewal Part I (2013 Edition), T.S. Grewal Part II (2013 Edition), T. S. Grewal Book II
(2012 Edition)
Business Study: Principles and Functions of Management, Business Finance and Marketing

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  • Nome del Applicazioni: NCERT Solutions of NCERT Books
  • Categoria: Istruzione
  • Nome APK: com.meritnation.ncert
  • Ultima versione: 3.4
  • Requisito: 4.1 o superiore
  • Dimensioni del file : 8.88 MB
  • tempo aggiornato: 2019-03-14