Dear God, here I am,
the day ended,
I want to pray, thank you.
My love I offer you.
I thank you, my God,
for everything you,
my Lord, dest me.... see more or listen in the app right now
the day ended,
I want to pray, thank you.
My love I offer you.
I thank you, my God,
for everything you,
my Lord, dest me.... see more or listen in the app right now
Versioni precedenti
- 12/08/2023: 1.27
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- Nome del Applicazioni:
- Categoria: Libri e consultazione
- Nome APK: com.appscroy.oracaodanoite
- Ultima versione: 1.27
- Requisito: 4.4 o superiore
- Dimensioni del file : 20.82 MB
- tempo aggiornato: 2023-12-08