If you need help in an emergency, with Citizen Alert you just need to shake your cell phone and you can request help from your emergency contacts.
Personalized emergency call when activating the SOS panic button
Send an alert with your GPS location to previously selected contacts in case of an emergency
Personalized emergency call when activating the SOS panic button
Send an alert with your GPS location to previously selected contacts in case of an emergency
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- 05/14/2023: Alerta Ciudadana Arequipa 1.2
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- Nome del Applicazioni: Alerta Ciudadana Arequipa
- Categoria: Comunicazione
- Nome APK: com.alerta.ciudadana2
- Ultima versione: 1.2
- Requisito: 6.0 o superiore
- Dimensioni del file : 12.18 MB
- tempo aggiornato: 2023-05-14