Analytic APP is a security camera monitoring platform with character reading technology where users of security forces and home users can search and monitor vehicles, in
addition to following their camera recordings.
IMPORTANT: to have access to the cameras, it is necessary to hire our services through a local representative. Check availability in your region.
addition to following their camera recordings.
IMPORTANT: to have access to the cameras, it is necessary to hire our services through a local representative. Check availability in your region.
Versioni precedenti
- 03/29/2023: Analítico 1.8.41
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- Nome del Applicazioni: Analítico
- Categoria: Multimedia e video
- Nome APK:
- Ultima versione: 1.8.41
- Requisito: 7.0 o superiore
- Dimensioni del file : 11.63 MB
- tempo aggiornato: 2023-03-29